Leave your mark. But be nice. or ill find out where you live. and kill you. just kidding.

I truly dont give a a flying fuck what you think. unless your being nice. ;)

test - 2003-03-28 01:40:16
patrick - 2003-03-28 17:07:37
i really respect you and nick the one and only patrick will oh hey nick babe
patrck - 2003-03-28 17:08:32
its me
Krystell a.k.a mullet watcher - 2003-03-28 18:02:24
hey ash, like i've said a million time..ur a genious. I'm waiting for jer to call me back god damnit, all ready to go somewhere..and no where to go! wtf is up with that?

Pet name:

What you be thinking of this BIA!?

to the entry - D-land