Leave your mark. But be nice. or ill find out where you live. and kill you. just kidding.

I truly dont give a a flying fuck what you think. unless your being nice. ;)

Heather - 2002-08-25 17:07:33
I can't fall asleep the night before the first day of school either.
Scarlett - 2002-08-25 17:13:58
Neither can I. School sucks. See you tomorrow.
Kimmie - 2002-08-25 17:48:44
Hey!! I can't sleep either...but high school is great (I've been there going on 3 weeks) Have a good first day!!
Vince - 2002-08-26 08:13:55
i can't.....i was up untill 3 last night reading lord of the rings. on the up side, i only have about 22 pages to go before i can move onto the next book! wahoo! and i dunno kimmie, your highschool might be great...but you dont have the same kids that we have over here...theres a surplus of teeny boppers, jocks, preps, popular people, prisses, cheerleaders, and those idiots that try to be punk and hardcore..but that just makes em look like idiots because they try to hard to be cool....i hate our school. but i must admit, i did just kinda trade in my preppy attire for a t shirt and a pair of black pants...so i guess people will think i'm trying to be punk...? i dont really care what people wear, as long as they do it because they want to...not because they saw it on MTV. but yeah..i'm rambling...good bye
www.xxx.com - 2002-09-09 13:45:51
<--- Dont Go There!!!!!! anyways... me ? i sure can sleep and sure cant get up!

Pet name:

What you be thinking of this BIA!?

to the entry - D-land