Leave your mark. But be nice. or ill find out where you live. and kill you. just kidding.

I truly dont give a a flying fuck what you think. unless your being nice. ;)

Carlos...uDontKnowMe iDontKnowU - 2002-08-07 11:58:13
dont be depressed! i know you'll be fine! u've been going out with him for 2 long and u know what? i thing u guys are going to get back... its a love/hate thingy.. they more u ""hate"" him it's actually the more u love him... so... just be cool... relax.. ok?
Andrea - 2002-08-07 12:36:13
if he means as much to you as you make it sound... maybe you should call him?
Scarlett - 2002-08-07 15:55:45
I'm so sorry, Ashlee.
Carlos...uDontKnowMe iDontKnowU - 2002-08-08 11:12:36
you dont say why you broke up... can u tell why? or is it too personal?

Pet name:

What you be thinking of this BIA!?

to the entry - D-land