Leave your mark. But be nice. or ill find out where you live. and kill you. just kidding.

I truly dont give a a flying fuck what you think. unless your being nice. ;)

Kimberly - 2002-07-29 10:10:24
How can you not like band camp?? I LOVE it!! And we have it for 3 weeks- 8:30 AM-5:30 PM July 22-26, same times July 29-August 2, 2:00-6:00 August 5-8, and school starts the 9th. How long do you have it?? I'm seriously not into band that much...I'm just wondering. Have a nice life!! Love, kim
Carlos...uDontKnowMe iDontKnowU - 2002-08-07 11:12:45
i only have a question: what do you mean you are a SUPERGOLDMEMBER? did you do.... naaah! its impossible to do that. plus ur a girl.u cant possibly....please explain!

Pet name:

What you be thinking of this BIA!?

to the entry - D-land