Sunday, Mar. 02, 2003@11:44 p.m.

Happy Almost B-day to me. NOT!

1 comments so far

Booooooowchica boooowoooow.

Everything is pretty good cept my gene pool is swimming with assholes. Funny funny joke.. happy b-day ashlee. lets now rip you apart for the next 2 hours.. i wanted to go home the whole time. i dislike almost everyone of them now. none left to like.. thanks uncle 'block' for being such an ass. (STICKS TONGUE OUT)

Saturday was amazing. saw blindside live at St. Andrews.. I hugged the lead singer cz i ripepd his wallet off his pants and gave it back.. lol so fun... my neck hurts and erics nose is broken.. but it was well worth the pain!

wow. im so in love. its awesome. like i can be pissed off and wanna kill something and then he looks at me in a certain way and im high on life. people who dont exprience stuff like that miss out. seriously. its crazy the stuff id do for him that i wouldnt do for anyone else.

I like screamy music now. lol damn you. i use to hate it now im like YEAH! screaming. rock on.

I HUGGED THE LEAD SINGER OF BLINDSIDE. lol i cant get over i had his wallet. that had touch hios ass and it was in my hands.

well your ass is better. but it was still awesome.

Well im sleepy and i need to got tobed.

I want a 3ft barbie again so i can make it wear my clothes like when i was little. that was so fun..

Night world,


ps-My offical b-day is on friday March 7th.. who's gonna be 15? ASHLEE'S GONNA BE 15.

3 more years and i can buy porn!











My last Five Entries..

the END.Monday, Sept. 01, 2003-9:17 p.m.

So long..Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2003-6:08 p.m.

So long..Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2003-6:08 p.m.

SUMMer.Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003-11:57 p.m.

SUMMer.Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003-11:57 p.m.

<3 - LINKS - <3

100 things 

Picture Credit-Chris Savage

Don't You Wish You Were...

I'm feeling...
